Friday, July 14, 2006

Long absence

I have had a bit of an absence since my last entry. Summer is here and lots of stuff is going on.

The market has been a fickle place for everyone I have spoken to. Suddenly, things aren't exactly as they seem or exactly as they were.

For one thing, the economy is changing not for the reasons everyone thinks, or wants to think about.

Everything was popping along fine. We all expected a bit of a hiccup, but no one has expected the uncertainly and military escalation that is happening in the Middle East. It is looking like the beginning of something big. . .REALLY BIG. And REALLY SCARY.

Of course, we all still need a place to live right?

I'm still faithful to the trade.

I just need to get this blog to pop a bit more. It needs more sass!

I'm going to try and get in here more often and keep it up.
