Monday, June 18, 2007

Real Estate is Sucking in the Spring!

OK everyone!

So I'm going to turn my traditionally optimistic market view to one of looming horror, (at least for myself).

I've got cicadas coating the trees around my home but my buyer traffic has all but dried up. That's definitely making sellers, (mine included), pretty anxious.

What happened? Everything was banging until just before Memorial Day and then. . .dead!

HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!! Where are all the home buyers out there? Don't you know that now is the time people? I have people who bought in the last couple of years that would have killed for the deals you can get now. It hasn't been this affordable in close to 5 years! What is everyone waiting for?

Perhaps everyone is waiting for the Cicadas to go away. If they're anything like some people I know, then my guess is the buyers are entophobes who are unable to deal with the cicada invasion.

Not me! I'll brave anything for my buyers and sellers!

Let's get moving people!!!

Father's Day 2007

So it was off to the races for the Doty family this Father's Day. In a wonderful surprise I was taken for a fabulous Father's Day brunch in the International Room of Arlington Park Racecourse. There is definitely a reason why the call it the "Sport of Kings"; I certainly felt like a king.

While it was extremely hot this year, we were in air conditioned comfort in the International Room. Having this handy made trips outside more bearable.

I'd definitely reccommend this treat to any family looking for something different to do on Father's Day. For the kids, there were pony rides, a petting zoo, clowns, and face painters. For grown ups there was live entertainment and, of course, the main event: the races!

I'm thinking this might have to be our new Father's Day tradition.