Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"Toddler Fraud"

Here is an amazing, (and quite frightening), story from the December issue of Money magazine.


The article is "Toddler Fraud" and is a must read for any parent, particularly those of us who get Social Security numbers for our children right away.

I know I was practically forced to apply for a SS# for my daughter shortly after her birth because, without the number, the insurance refused to cover her medical expenses specifically.

I'm sure other parents out there have experieced similar situations. I'm also quite sure that many of you haven't given much thought to the possibility that your toddler might fall victim to identity theft.

This is very thought provoking and, as long as our credit ratings are so important in this world, could have long lasting effects on your children's financial futures.

Greener Acres

Here is another interesting story from this past Sunday.

It illustrates and even more extreme move where some people have chosen to skip the suburbs entirely and have elected a completely rural lifestyle.

A very interesting story!


Chicago Public Schools

Here is an interesting story from yesterday's Tribune regarding the budget issues facing CPS.


Me and my daughter Sophia Christmas 2005 Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006


Hello all and welcome!

My name is Rick and I am your urban suburbanite. I have lived in both city and suburbs and understand the joys and frustrations of both areas.

For those of you who are looking to purchase a home, sell a home or both; whether you are looking to move from city or suburbs or suburbs to city, I can help!

Currently, as far as trends are concerned, I have noticed as I have been selling homes lately, that there has been a bit of a baby boom since 9/11. So many people are having children that it seems like the world has gone a bit baby crazy. As a father myself, I completely understand the joy of having children.

Of course, having children can present a lot of logistical issues when it comes to where you live. I have, personally, observed that couples with young children, in particular, are faced with the decision of staying in the city or moving to the suburbs.

The city, and in particular our great city of Chicago, has so much to offer. The city has tons of culture and so much for an active young mind to absorb. Of course, space is at a premium and it can be tough sometimes. Some parents simply are longing for a bit of room to allow their young ones to grow and flourish.

But what is the right decision? Is there a right decision?

The right decision is the decision that is right for YOU! It is the decision that takes into consideration the best interests of you and your entire family. The right decision is about the big picture.

I understand that decisions like these can be difficult, that is why I have created this blog to help guide and inform people in the process.

So if you have any comments or questions, lay them on me. If you have any interesting articles, or ideas, send them to me.

I'm here to help make the decision that is right for you!

