Friday, February 24, 2006


I am posting the photo of my daughter and I that I have been using in all of my marketing pieces. She has been instrumental in helping her "Papa" do some marketing.

In coming posts, I'll be posting some of my listings, virtual tours and other fun items from past and current clients.




Hello to all of you!

Periodically I like to check in and thank everyone who stops by. Even if you don't post a comment, I hope that you find the information provided here to be helpful and insightful.

If you are in the market for real estate, whether buying, selling or as an investor, I would encourage you to use this blog as a forum for discussion. With over 8 professional years of real estate experience, and as a licensed broker in the state of Illinois, I am knowlegeable and highly qualified to address your real estate needs and concerns.

If you'd like to send me an e-mail, you may do so at

If you'd like to search the MLS right now, you can at our website, or by selecting among the real estate links in the column on this page that says "links".

I'm always happy to help people. I look forward to an opportunity to help you.



Monday, February 06, 2006

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere.

So. . .

Here is yet another article speculating on the deflation of the housing bubble. This one predicts a soft deflating of the "bubble"

If you analyze some of the data, however, it is really hard to see where the "bubble" actually exists. Sure, market time is up on homes and things have slowed a little from December of 2005 until present. Part of that is normal for this time of the year, at least in Chicago area real estate. The market here definitely has a bit of seasonality.

When you look at the fact that 2005 was yet ANOTHER year of record breaking home sales, the bigger picture suggests that there may not be a bubble at all.

I understand that there are a lot of things to consider whether you are purchasing your first home, or are on a step up or a downsizing phase. So many factors impact the greater economy.

This article is definitely interesting.

Food for thought.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rate hikes, fed chairs and speeches OH MY!!

So the Fed has made another hike in interest rates. It will certainly be interesting to see how this affects the housing market and the choices people will make in the year ahead.

So far, these rate hikes really haven't seemed to have much of an impact on the long term rates given to consumers by lenders but, at some point, the will have to. I am already seeing small shifts upward and the trend may be here to stay.

Of course, a new Federal Reserve chairman was also sworn in today. I'm sure there is a lot of tension and nervousness out in the financial markets because former chief Greenspan has been there for so long and done a pretty impressive job.

So will the economy be smooth sailing or are there rough waters ahead?