Monday, February 06, 2006

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere.

So. . .

Here is yet another article speculating on the deflation of the housing bubble. This one predicts a soft deflating of the "bubble"

If you analyze some of the data, however, it is really hard to see where the "bubble" actually exists. Sure, market time is up on homes and things have slowed a little from December of 2005 until present. Part of that is normal for this time of the year, at least in Chicago area real estate. The market here definitely has a bit of seasonality.

When you look at the fact that 2005 was yet ANOTHER year of record breaking home sales, the bigger picture suggests that there may not be a bubble at all.

I understand that there are a lot of things to consider whether you are purchasing your first home, or are on a step up or a downsizing phase. So many factors impact the greater economy.

This article is definitely interesting.

Food for thought.

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