Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A New Year's Resolution

I've come to the conclusion that I am a bad blogger.

It really isn't an intentional thing mind you, it has been more of an oversight on my part. Sure things get away from us during the holiday season. No matter what your particular creed or what you celebrate, the last couple of weeks of any given year, not to mention the weeks leading up to them, tend to be surrounded by chaos and tension. That goes for most of us, whatever our profession. And heaven forbid you have a blog or something you might need to update on a regular basis! Things like this can easily fall by the wayside.

It is easy to consider that people aren't reading your posts but, any of us who look at the stats know better: we know that somewhere out there, SOMEONE is reading. Someone cares enough to take time out of their day to look at your words and your opinions.

So let this serve as an open apology for all of those who care: I'm sorry if I've left anyone hanging and I'm sorry for any disrespect.

Aside from the standard resolutions that we all make, (eat healthier, get fit, get a handle on our finances, etc), I have decided that one of my resolutions for 2008 is to be a better and more consistent blogger.

And why not? 2008 is already shaping up to be a very interesting year indeed. We're about to see what any remaining fallout from sub-prime might have in store for us. We're about to choose candidates and, ultimately a new president to help guide our country through these perilous times. We're going to see so many changes and opportunities, particularly within the real estate markets, that you guys are going to need people like me for insight and as a guide through these murky waters.

Our lives are changing. Our country is changing. This blog is changing!

May it all be for the better.

Happy 2008!


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