Friday, June 27, 2008

Hello::(hello)::is there anybody out there?

Hello buyers, sellers and everyone in between.

I've been off the blogosphere for a little bit here, licking my own wounds from the slumping market here in the Chicago area. I know I'm generally a pretty solid source of optimism, but the last couple of months have been nothing short of tragic.

Where have all my buyers gone?

Afraid I'm guessing and, it would seem, for pretty good reason. All of the economic indicators; the price of food, gas, and the essentials of life: All of it seems to be spiraling out of control in the worst possible way. To top it off, we've also seen a pretty steady delcine in both the prices of and the sales figures for both new home sales.

But wait...what's this? A glimmer of hope? A report that says there was a slight increase in existing home sales last month?!?

Well there very well might be a good reason for that and buyers, you need to be ready to get your heads out of the sand and prepare for buying opportunities because there will only be a small window.

Here's why:

It would appear that home values have been and will continue to fall albeit at a slower rate. This decline has lasted approximately 18 months and the "experts" predict we won't actually see a turn around for another 6-8 months. Here comes the "but-monkey"...BUT, it does appear that sometime between now and the first of the year, that the Federal Reserve will begin to raise interest rates to help stave off further devaluation of the sagging dollar.

What does this mean?

This means that now may be the perfect storm for buyers. The interest rates have stagnated for the moment and are holding steady. If you have good credit, particularly if you are a first time buyer with solid credit scores, it is an excellent time to get a loan at a very attractive interest rate. And, to top it off, with a glut of inventory out there it is possible to really negotiate some serious deals, particularly with people who are in a position where they have to move.

So buyers, get ready and get out there. This is the time to buy if you can because in a couple of years, when this slump is over, the sellers will have their revenge and anyone who buys in the next 6-12 months should be sitting pretty.

Sorry sellers!

Keep your chins up though, the buyers are out. You're going to have to be reasonable if you want to sell.

More soon.


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